Thursday 18 April 2013

My website homepage

This is my website homepage that I have created. I used Photoshop to create this and believe it is very successful. I used the conventions of other homepages that I researched to get inspiration and so I would have an idea about what I wanted mine to look like. When I first chose my background, it was a pale pink colour which I believed worked well due to my artist being directed more towards the female gender however I then thought pink was too feminine and chose on this pale blue colour. After looking at existing websites, I could see most of them had tabs somewhere so there would be a link to go to a different page of the site. Although mine is not a real site, I wanted it to look as realistic as possible so created these fake 'hyperlinks'. To keep in with social media, I made sure I have icons for networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook - this was to ensure that everything looked modern and up to date. These links are found below the mast head.
Promotion is also a big part of homepages as it shows their 'fans' their current singles, tour dates and more. To promote my artist I print screened a thumbnail of my YouTube video to put on the website to look as if it were a link to watch it. As well as this, I added the album cover I have made, along with a 'news feed' and music player.
I believe my homepage is creative and I have achieved what I was hoping for when thinking about ideas.

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