Thursday, 18 April 2013

Format research: Advertisement 3

This advertisement is a lot different from the others. The masthead draws the audience in showing the artist ‘Damien Rice’ and the album name ‘9’ – this I believe is because there is no central image which is usually the focal point of advertisements. It then goes down in a ‘credits’ style showing review quotes from different magazines. This is a great marketing technique and is rather unique as adverts usually only mention a couple of reviews at the side of the central image.
At the bottom of the page it states the fact the advertisement is for a new album. This is the only information given which is a lot less compared to Ed Sheerans and Ben Howards which described the date of release and price. Although I believed minimal information was successful in Ben Howards however in this advert I think there is too little information. When designing mine I will use inspiration from the other adverts and not this one when considering information.
When looking at the font – Damien Rice has used exactly the same font as he has on his website homepage. Like mentioned in my other analysis, the writing is in a ‘written’ and ‘typewriter’ style which relates to the fact the artists may be songwriters. It is also a very relaxed font which is linked with the idea of acoustic music being quite tranquil. When considering lexis, it is evident that these reviews are positive such as “Rice is at his best” – this therefore promoting the album further.
Another focal point of the advertisement is the drawing at the bottom left of the page. This I believe is the artists ‘tag’/logo or the album cover picture. It is shown to demonstrate to the audience what to look for. The image also adds colour to the advert due to it using rather plain colours in the rest of it.

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