Thursday 21 March 2013

Lyrics storyboard

This storyboard I created was to have more detail as my other storyboard will help me more when it comes to angles and shots and deciding whether to use a mid or close up shot for example. This storyboard was more for me to follow when filming as I find it easier to understand.

Italic bold – Ollie singing
Red – Lyrics
Black - Actions

Intro music - Ollie watching Tayla walking in to café. Long shot of Tayla walking up to the counter
I knew one day we’d meet up in familiar places, only cause we share the same familiar faces oh, woh, who – Mid shot of Ollie singing to camera as he gets up
Must keep control, oh, woh – Ollie getting up and walking to counter
I never saw you look so good and don’t you know it, takes me back to how we were but I won’t show it, no, no, no – Close up on Ollie’s hand tapping Taylas shoulder and Tayla turns around. Long shot flash back of them walking as a couple in to same café
Cause I let you go, go, go – Mid shot of Ollie singing to camera

I want to know your missing me, know what you’ve done and where you’ve been, don’t wanna know if you’re in love – Ollie walking down street with guitar, long shot
Know that I want the best for you; I want the best but not the truth
Don’t wanna know if you’re in love
Just because
In bedroom Ollie singing, Close up and then zoom out on to him watching Tayla look through photographs.

Nothings any better since the day I left you, however hard I try, you know I can’t forget you
No, no, no                                                 - Mix shots of Ollie walking down street playing guitar
Are you alone, woh, woh
You’ve never seemed so different and the way your talking - Mid Close up on Tayla talking
I wonder if there is someone knew and this is awkward, oh woh oh – Over the shoulder shot
Should I go, go, go                 Mid Close up - Ollie

I want to know your missing me, know what you’ve done and where you’ve been, don’t wanna know if you’re in love  - Mix shots of Ollie and Tayla, Close ups, In bedroom
Know that I want the best for you; I want the best but not the truth   - Mix shots of Tayla looking through wardrobe and in the mirror. Ollie comes behind her and picks her up and starts spinning
Don’t wanna know if you’re in love            - Edit shot so spinning turns into another clip of Ollie spinning Tayla but in her pjs (Relates to him thinking about the past)
Just because – Throws Tayla down on to the bed
Ollie playing guitar and Tayla watching. Tayla pulls Ollie back on to the bed. Mid long shot.


Nothing’s changed and I’m still picking up the pieces
Just because, in a way, I’m still ironing out the creases  
Ollie playing guitar and Tayla watching. Tayla pulls Ollie back on to the bed. Mid long shot.

Just because, just because

I want to know your missing me, know what you’ve done and where you’ve been, don’t wanna know if you’re in love
Know that I want the best for you; I want the best but not the truth
Don’t wanna know if you’re in love             - Birds eye view. Ollie singing to Tayla.

Just because
Just because                      Mix shots:
Ohoh                                 Close up on Ollie singing in street
Just because                      Silhouette of Ollie and guitar
Just because                      Close up on Guitar
Ohoh                                 Close up on Tayla – Pans on her walking out the cafe
Just because
Mid shot of Ollie walking out of shop and closing the door, pan to him walking away
From Ollies point of view – Tayla walking down the street with new boyfriend
Ollie walks towards the camera and puts head down – Slow motion

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