Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Promoting my blog

To get feedback on my blog I decided to promote it to my friends on Twitter and Facebook as these social networking sites are mostly directed to the audience that I want to direct my music video to. Hopefully by putting this on my Facebook and Twitter I will be able to get some positive feedback or criticisms of how to make my blog more successful.

Video Questionnaire

Here is my video questionnaire, this was my most successful way of getting answers as they are more valid however the responses I got from this were similar to the ones I gathered through my written questionnaire and online survey which is why I will not be analysing the video.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Examples of answers from my questionnaire

Here is my second questionnaire. The questions are similar to my survey but I will be giving it to only 10 people as will also be using the results from my original survey and therefore do not need as many participants. I will also be filming some of the answers to show it in a different medium form. The reason I have done this second questionnaire is to collect more valid data and not have 'joke' answers from participants.

These answers show different genders and age ranges. I selected these 3 as examples because of this as it shows that I have a wider range of participants. Looking at all the results, all of my participants watched music videos either frequently or sometimes. This demonstrates that I asked people who are more interested in music videos and therefore have more of an idea about what they like. For my next question, I had a big mix of answers about the genres they like however like my survey, most of the results came out as either pop and chart or acoustic. From each of my questionnaires, the results demonstrate that although people like abstract filming, most enjoy music videos that follow a story line.
Giving questionnaires out was a successful research method as I got more valid results and I will use these answers when deciding on certain elements for my own music video.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


Here is my second questionnaire. The questions are similar to my survey but I will be giving it to only 10 people as I am using the results from my original survey. I will also be filming some of the answers to show it in different medium forms. The reason I have done this second questionnaire is to collect more valid data and not have ‘joke’ answers from participants.

How old are you?

Male or female?

How often do you watch music videos?

What Genre of music do you like the best?

What do you look for in a music video?

Do you prefer music videos based on...
The lyrics of the song
An abstract theme

         What is your favourite music video?

         Band:                                     Song:

Monday, 5 November 2012

Log Diary 2

Having completed my research by creating a survey online and posting it on social networking sites to receive a larger response, I am able to decide that the genre I will be looking at for my music video is acoustic. Although most of my participants preferred pop and chart music, I believe the acoustic genre will give me an opportunity to create a great music video. 
Although my survey was successful, I will be carrying out a few written questionnaires or interviews as due to the survey being anonymous I got some 'joke' answers and therefore could not use them when analysing my results. 
I have also started on my format research which will give me inspiration for when making my own video, advertisement and website homepage.